STIHL Statement on Slavery and Human Trafficking
As a manufacturer doing business in California and pursuant to the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010, STIHL Incorporated (“STIHL Inc.”) offers the following statement regarding its efforts to prevent slavery and human trafficking in its supply chain.
Corporate Responsibility
STIHL recognizes its social responsibility as part of the community in all regions in which it operates. STIHL respects the cultural, social, political, and legal diversity of societies and nations. Within the framework of the laws and regulations of individual countries and its scope of influence, STIHL strives to harmonize commercial goals with the social and ecological requirements in our business world, human rights, and the environment. These principles are part of our corporate culture and apply throughout our company. All our employees are asked to ensure these principles are observed and we expect our business partners to adhere to similar principles. This long-standing statement of the Principles of Social Responsibility of STIHL specifically mandates compliance with internationally proclaimed human rights and rejects any form of forced labor and child labor.
Human Trafficking
On January 1, 2012, the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (SB 657) went into effect in the state of California. The act seeks the elimination of slavery and human trafficking from product supply chains and requires that companies disclose their efforts to ensure that their supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking. STIHL Inc. strongly opposes slavery and human trafficking, and would never knowingly conduct business with contractors or employees engaged in such practices.
STIHL Inc. reviews its product supply chain to evaluate human trafficking and slavery risks. At present this is done internally.
STIHL Inc. conducts supplier audits to evaluate whether suppliers comply with applicable corporate standards and principles, including those related to human trafficking and slavery. These audits review all aspects of the supply chain including environment, safety, human trafficking, child labor and other legal requirements.
STIHL Inc. maintains a Supplier Code of Conduct. The STIHL Supplier Code of Conduct establishes guidelines for the standard of ethical behavior we expect from our suppliers, and states that a supplier may not use child or forced labor. Each supplier is required to comply with this Supplier Code of Conduct.
STIHL Inc. purchasing policies require that our direct suppliers certify that materials incorporated into STIHL Inc. products comply with the laws of the country or countries where such suppliers do business, which would include those addressing human trafficking and slavery. The STIHL Inc. Supplier Manual, published and distributed to suppliers every other year, encompasses the specific requirements of STIHL Inc. with reference to human trafficking, and the Supplier Code of Conduct.
STIHL Inc. provides internal training sessions for purchasing and other supply chain-related employees regarding our policy requirements and the Supplier Code of Conduct.
Visit End Human Trafficking Now for more information about trafficking and the global fight to end it.