Backyard Projects

It’s amazing what a little cleanup and creativity can do to help beautify your outdoor space. Make your backyard a haven for friendly BBQs and family fun with these inviting and entertaining ideas.

Build Your Own Salsa Garden

Licensed landscape contractor and Team STIHL member Sara Bendrick takes you through all the steps to help you build a planter box that can also serve as a one-stop shop for a delicious side dish.

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Composting Tips

Learn how to make compost for use on lawns and gardens.

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Cleaning Gutters

Be prepared for your semi-annual gutter cleaning extravaganza with these useful tips and tricks to get you out of the gutter and enjoying the changing seasons.

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Vertical Garden Wall

Pocket vertical garden bags are one of my favorite methods for a green wall because it is simple and effective. Enjoy this beautiful backdrop for years to come, and add and remove plants as needed to keep it looking fresh.

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Fire Pit Tips

Looking to liven up your outdoor space? A fire pit not only adds character to your landscape, but it also creates an inviting environment that is perfect for entertaining guests or just relaxing with the family.

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Fence Bench

Adding seating to any yard is always a bonus, but tying it into an existing feature makes it that much more interesting and a better use of space. Learn how to make your own fence bench.

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Movie Night

When the sun goes down and the weather is right, why not get a little more from your outdoor space? Taking movie night outside is a creative way to enjoy an evening with family and friends while also taking in the fresh air. With a few tips and tools from STIHL, we can help you make it happen.

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How to Build a Tree House

Building a tree house in your backyard is a great way to add character to your outdoor space while also creating a feature the whole family will love. Watch this video to discover the possibility of having a tree house in your backyard.

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